As we embark into a new journey of growth and learning, with the blessings of God and the continuous support of staff and parents, we will be able to take our school to the next level. A child is a treasure placed in the hands of a couple. The parents, in whose hands the child is placed, become the first responsible persons to foster and nurture the growth in the child. They try their level best to give more than they have received themselves as a child.

We are confident and believe that God has blessed us in so many ways. We too believe that each child is a precious gift of God and is gifted with lots of potential.

At Lalbagh Isabella thoburn school with its team of teachers firmly believes in pedagogic innovations and in developing a true global mindset as the school has developed a culture of excellence in sports, cultural activities and community outreach with students excelling in every field, we teach our students not only academics, but also teach them how to cultivate and nurture self-esteem and self worth. We endeavor to provide a caring and supportive environment. To assist and encourage students to be focused on performing to the best of their ability. We strive to provide an atmosphere where students know that we care for them while maintaining high expectations.

Our institution believes in imparting quality and value based education. Academic excellence has been our forte and we strive to maintain it.We also seek to ensure that whilst the horizons are richly stretched as above, the young personalities remain rooted in a strong value system embedded into their construct. It is our vision that we must build physically and emotionally fit individuals who never feel defeated by their circumstances or resolve to rise and restore. We believe in ingraining an integrity of character with a compassion for the community and the environment- in steadfast remembrance that one must give back as much or more than what one receives.

We aim to empower our students to grow as individuals with strong open discerning minds and look forward to each day with all the support I have of the committee staff and parents which will scale to new heights of success.

Best wishes to all