General Rules

At the beginning of each session if the student is absent for the first three days without leave or prior information his/her name may be struck off from the school Scholar Register. Re admission may be considered only if vacancy exists.

All Students must report to school at the reporting time.

The School authorities will not be responsible for the children after the school hours.

Parents/Guardians of Children are requested to sign -
    a. The notices are sent out periodically.
    b. The assignments given to the children for homework.
    c. Exercise books in which work has been assessed.

In all correspondence with the school, name, class and section of the child must be stated clearly. Parents/Guardians must write their names and contact numbers below their signature.

Tuitions only for the weak students (scoring less than 60% marks in a Particular subject) will be allowed only after the written permission has been obtained from the Principal. All tuitions must stop at least 7 days before the examination in all the classes. No teacher will take any new tuition after the second term test.

All parents/guardians must ensure that their children have prepared their lessons well and have completed their homework, before coming to school.

Parents/guardians must check the school diary for any reports made by the teachers. The reports if any must be signed by them.

Students must not damage the school property. They must not write on the walls or on the furniture else they will be fined for it. Throwing of ink or paint is a punishable offense. Whiteners and staplers are banned in school.
Festival Colours, firecrackers, mobile phones, digital gadgets and anything that can be injurious are strictly prohibited and carrying such things on the school campus is a punishable offense.

All the Parents/guardians must take the permission slip from the office before meeting any of the staff members in School, during the school hours.

Once a child enters the School campus will not be sent back home for any reason before the school gives over.

Parents make sure that their ward(s) are punctual to school. Two late comings in a month are exempted, third time the ward(s) will be marked absent and will be sent back home.

Parents may come to meet the teachers to discuss their ward(s) behavior / performance for one hour after school on any working Saturday. Parents must make sure that they meet the teachers at least once a month.

The fee must be deposited in the bank/school fee office on time. The details of dates of the submission of fees is mentioned in the fee book. Cash will be deposited in the bank and only Cheques will be deposited in the school office.

The late installments with the fine will be deposited in the school fee office.

A fine of Rs. 150/- will be charged every month after the last date submission for every unpaid fee installment.

The time to submit the school fee in the office is 9 am. to 2 pm. on all working days.

The fee slips (teacher's copy) must be sent to class teacher on time for the maintenance of record.

Rs. 100/- will be charged on the re-issue of the fee book / school diary / id card if lost.

Minimum passing marks for all the subjects is 40 out of 100. Passing in English is compulsory for promotion. The promotion will be based on the average of the half yearly and the final examination.


Minimum 80% attendance is compulsory to appear in the examination / term test.

The child will be marked zero if he or she is absent in any test or exam.